Jalapeño Popper Cheese Ball

Jalapeño Popper Cheese Ball


My husband is a cheese ball fanatic. He could pound an entire cheese ball all by himself. Crazy right? When planning out out New Years menu, I knew we needed a delicious cheese ball to make an appearance. During the…

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Creme Brûlée

Creme Brûlée


Do you have that one dessert, that when you see it, your heart skips a beat? That one that makes you have to closely monitor yourself to make sure you are not drooling in front of everyone? The one you…

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Gingerbread Oreo Fudge

Gingerbread Oreo Fudge


Have you tried the seasonal limited edition Gingerbread Oreos yet? When they came out, I may or may not have bought a few boxes of them. I was hooked on them from the first bite I took. They have that…

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Slow Cooker Turkey and Gravy

Slow Cooker Turkey and Gravy


Turkey is a traditional Thanksgiving and sometimes Christmas recipe. Unless of course you are my father-in-law. Then, it could possibly be a weekly recipe :) To be honest, the thought of cooking a Turkey stresses me out. You may remember…

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