Whole Wheat Bread (our family recipe)
Today is my anniversary with my sweet and handsome husband. I just love him and am so grateful to have him as part of my life! We have been on lots of adventures together and can’t wait to see what new ones await us!
The story of how we got together is pretty funny, at least to us anyway. We met my first semester at college. His brother lived in the apartment next to me and so he would always come up to visit. About a week after meeting me, he asked me out on a date. I can’t remember the excuse, but I turned him down. We stayed good friends though and hung out almost everyday. He asked me out again a couple months later, but I was dating a new guy so I turned him down a second time. I thought by now he would get the hint that I wanted to be just friends, but he didn’t. Things weren’t working out with this other guy and he could see that. My hubby and I (at the time he was just my friend) went to an activity our university was putting on. A bunch of freshman girls were being interviewed as part of the program. I could see him cringe as he looked over to me and said, “I could never date an 18-year-old girl. They are so immature!” I kindly leaned back over to him and said, “You do know, I am an 18-year-old girl and you have asked me out twice now?”
We got a good laugh out of that! He is 5 and half years older than me and I always give him a hard time about it :) Soon after things ended with the other guy, my hubby asked me out yet again for a third time. I felt bad for already turning him down so many times, that I finally agreed to go out with him. He was an awesome guy and one of my best friends, so what did I have to lose?! Well after one date I was smitten. A year after our first date we were married and the rest is history! I am so happy to be married to my best friend. Not a day goes by that is not filled with laughter and I love it!
Now onto today’s recipe. I love homemade bread. The delicious smell was a staple in my home growing up because my mom was always making it, and still is! My mom must have taught me well, because now I love to make it for my own family. Nothing beats homemade bread…nothing! This particular bread is so DELICIOUS! It is a family recipe that comes from my Grandma’s cookbook she gave me. I love the flavor and the texture of it! It really is so great!
Whole Wheat Bread
- 6 cups very warm water
- 2 Tablespoons dough conditioner
- 4 Tablespoons yeast
- 1/2 cup vegetable oil
- 1/2 cup honey
- 1 Tablespoon salt
- 1/2 cup gluten
- 10 cups whole wheat flour add up to 12 cups if necessary
- Dissolve yeast and dough conditioner in water.
- Add oil, salt, honey, and half of the flour.
- Add gluten and the rest of the flour until mixture cleans the sides of the bowl.
- Knead 10 minutes.
- Shape into loaves and place in greased bread plans. Let rise for 30 minutes. (until it reaches 1-2 inches above the top of bread pan)
- Turn oven to 350 degrees F and bake 30 minutes.
- Immediately take out bread and place on a cooling rack. Rub the tops with butter.Let cool completely before cutting into the bread.
This makes about 5-6 loaves. You can cut down and adapt the recipe to fit your stand mixers needs.
NOTE* Dough conditioner is just like dough enhancer. It creates an enhanced environment for the growth of yeast helping to make your breads more uniform and also lighter. It also strengthens the gluten structure in the dough to create a better crumb to your loaves. It can also help your bread stay fresher longer. I always get it at Kitchen Kneads, but I think you can get it at walmart, too.
This looks amazing and I want to try. I have 2 questions.1) Where can I find dough conditioner?2) do I use whole wheat gluten?Thank you!Cheryl
Jennifer @ Peanut Butter and Peppers
Happy Anniversary!!! What a wonderful bread recipe!
kitchen flavours
That is a lovely sweet story! You have a lovely family! And your bread is beautiful! Perfectly baked! Bookmarking this to try! Thanks for sharing! Have a lovely day!
kitchen flavours
And Happy Anniversary!! :)
Happy Anniversary, Nikki! What a cute story. I love it!
Shannah @ Just Us Four
Happy Anniversary! That bread looks amazing. Now, I'm hungry for some toast.
I've never heard of dough conditioner, What is it?! And where can it be found?
Marissa in Ks
What a great story. I have been reading your posts for weeks and am trying to get the nerve to try some of these great recipes you always offer. Right now, crutches= no cooking, but I am gearing up! I also have never heard of dough conditioner. Have a great anniversary evening!
Happy Anniversary! Homemade bread is one thing I have yet to break into. I think a breadmaker is going on my list of kitchen gagdets needed. that and a rice cooker!
The smell of the bread is coming through my computer screen and I am drooling all over the place. Thanks for the recipe it is making me crazy though. I will probably have to make this before the day is through. Have a wonderful anniversary, you are so cute!
I am a novice bread maker, but would love to master the art! I have never purchased dough conditioner and gluten. Where can I find these items?
You have us all questioning dough conditioner?????
Chef in Training
Its just like dough enhancer. It creates an enhanced environment for the growth of yeast helping to make your breads more uniform and also lighter. It also strengthens the gluten structure in the dough to create a better crumb to your loaves. It can also help your bread stay fresher longer. I always get it at Kitchen Kneads, but I think you can get it at walmart, too.
Chef in Training
Its just like dough enhancer. It creates an enhanced environment for the growth of yeast helping to make your breads more uniform and also lighter. It also strengthens the gluten structure in the dough to create a better crumb to your loaves. It can also help your bread stay fresher longer. I always get it at Kitchen Kneads, but I think you can get it at walmart, too.
Chef in Training
Awe, I hope you get better soon! Crutches would definitely make cooking difficult! Its just like dough enhancer. It creates an enhanced environment for the growth of yeast helping to make your breads more uniform and also lighter. It also strengthens the gluten structure in the dough to create a better crumb to your loaves. It can also help your bread stay fresher longer. I always get it at Kitchen Kneads, but I think you can get it at walmart, too.
Chef in Training
Its just like dough enhancer. It creates an enhanced environment for the growth of yeast helping to make your breads more uniform and also lighter. It also strengthens the gluten structure in the dough to create a better crumb to your loaves. It can also help your bread stay fresher longer. I always get it at Kitchen Kneads, but I think you can get it at walmart, too.
Chef in Training
Its just like dough enhancer. It creates an enhanced environment for the growth of yeast helping to make your breads more uniform and also lighter. It also strengthens the gluten structure in the dough to create a better crumb to your loaves. It can also help your bread stay fresher longer. I always get it at Kitchen Kneads, but I think you can get it at walmart, too.
apparently no one read the complete article where you explained dough conditioner or where to find it,
Happy Anniversary! This whole wheat bread looks delicious, so soft and puffy. There's nothing that can beat homemade bread.
What a story...!!! Things happened when should happen. By the way, I'm 3 year older than my husband, so you can imagine how often he reminds me that...
i love the story :) reminds me very much of my fiance-- in college he was vying after me to be boyfriend and girlfriend and i insisted we just remain friends, but he got his way eventually and boy am i glad i had a change of heart! been together for four years and he is the most incredible guy ever!! and i need to make this bread :)
Happy Anniversary! And thank you so much for sharing this recipe. This is the second homemade bread recipe I cam across tonight while blog surfing, and I am amazed at how simple the recipes are! I have always been intimidated by making bread, and I always use the fact that I don't have a bread maker as an excuse for not trying. I'm over it! I'm definitely going to try this recipe as well as the other. Thanks again!
Can I make this recipe w/o the gluten? Do you know how it will affect the finished bread?
That was added later. It wasn't in the original post.
We're on the McDougall diet and can't have oil. Is there anything I could use instead of oil?
Is this adaptable to a bread machine?
I have tried several different bread recipes, and have yet to had one that I just loved. That is, until I found this recipe. This bread is by far the most delicious bread that I have ever made. My family goes crazy for it, and we just can't get enough. I purchased the dough enhancer, and gluten from kitchenkneads.com and they both make the bread fabulous. I wasn't using either of these products before and found that my bread was always very dense. That's not the case any longer, and I am now going to use this bread recipe instead. I am excited to use this as our new recipe. Thanks so much. I love your website by the way. Making your ranch chicken tonight. Can't wait!